Mod Techcsl 3.0 71 cannot drive backward?

12.10.2019, 22:44 - makushima - Anfänger - 25 Beiträge
Sorry, is only me who has such problem that csl 3.0 71 cannot drive backward?
13.10.2019, 10:31 - Jannes23 - Moderator - 1916 Beiträge
The car's author made a mistake creating the database. The reverse gear value is missing …

[ALIGN=center]Addon Manager (v3.1) für DS und UC [B][URL=index.php?site=files&file=2168]Jetzt herunterladen![/URL][/B] [hr][IMG][/IMG][/ALIGN]

13.10.2019, 14:01 - makushima - Anfänger - 25 Beiträge
Danke schön!
Do you have entity–relationship model/digaram for the DB?
I have tried to translate/change "car groups names" and it was little bit confusing.
Default cars has ClassTextID as number and later reference in Texte table for translation
But all custom/addon cars has group names directly in ClassTextID?
If I want to create new group "Italian" and put there all Italian cars should I change ClassTextID to "Italian"?