Mod Techi will a blue light on my car

26.07.2013, 16:53 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
how do i set a blue light on my car?

in steps please

help my
26.07.2013, 17:29 - CobraGamer - Experte - 956 Beiträge
Hey Guy!

standard steps:
1. you go in the MTKit --> Lights
2. choose the light position --> flashing lights --> color blue
3. choos size

lights with frequenc (begin with 1. on top):
1. choose the lighs position --> strobe lights --> color blue
2. select frequenc (0.80 or 0.70 or other...; that means lights showing per second)
--> that's not very easy because you have to test it ingame

Please excuse my terrible english... Bigggrin
27.07.2013, 15:18 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
how set a 3d bluelight on a car?
27.07.2013, 15:33 - sun11 - Profi - 225 Beiträge
Hello thjo

For setting a bluelight on a car you need the programm blender 2.49b.

And also you need a 3d model froom a bluelight.

When you have this things, you have to import you car into blender and your bluelight too.

Then you can set the bluelight on the car and then yoou can export the car with his bluelight.

When you need help, I could help you. Maybe you can write to me a PN.

Ich nehme nun wieder Modwünsche an, allerdings nur begrenzt.

27.07.2013, 15:43 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
how import i a car to blender?

in steps please

excuse me for my terrible english
27.07.2013, 15:44 - 11 Cobra 11 - Profi - 343 Beiträge
@ sun11: This is not 100% correct, you can use also a other blender version. wink But for the first emergency light is blender 2.49b the best version.
I wish you good luck for your first car, with a emergency light.

11 Cobra 11


Do you use blender 2.49b? right?


You going to click at the top: file > import > .lwo

And this do you make also with the emergency light.

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28.07.2013, 12:31 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
when i the car have import than is the car of the bluelight can i him didn`t see him

he doesn`t will import the car

my english is terrible
28.07.2013, 16:38 - 11 Cobra 11 - Profi - 343 Beiträge
Have the file of the car in the end the ending .lwo?
Example: Police.lwo

And the emergencylightbars from Söhnlein are in a special format.
Than you are going to open the file with the .obj or .3ds


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28.07.2013, 16:42 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
no i have the bluelights en the cars not export

can you see it for my in pictures
28.07.2013, 17:06 - 11 Cobra 11 - Profi - 343 Beiträge
Do you want export the car?!
You have to describe your problem in more detail...

Also, do you have the bluelightbar in blender. And the car isn't
You have to import the car.

When your english is so bad than you say, you can maybe write your posts in french ore a other language.

EDIT: I have 300 posts!!!!

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28.07.2013, 19:22 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
Nein ich habe keine Auto in blender und keine blaulicht
Muss ich die importiere und exportieren aus mtkit?

Und ich Sprache ein bezje deutsch und niederlandsch
28.07.2013, 22:21 - 11 Cobra 11 - Profi - 343 Beiträge
Ja, du musst zuerst das Auto aus dem MTKIT exportieren und dann im blender importieren, alle veränderungen voenehmen und dan wieder importieren im MTKIT.

Yes, you must export first the car in the MTKIT, than you add sth. in blender and export the new car and import in the MTKIT.

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28.07.2013, 23:27 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
How do you export with mtkit?

Wie muss das exportieren mit mtkit?
28.07.2013, 23:40 - 11 Cobra 11 - Profi - 343 Beiträge
Wenn du es importieren willst, kannst du auch auswählen exportieren.
File > export/import > .lwo

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30.07.2013, 09:37 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
he doesn`t wil export to .low
30.07.2013, 10:08 - AfP38 - Profi - 361 Beiträge
are you sure, the car is unlocked? If the password is red, so you can't export. have to enter the password, so is it green and you can export it to .lwo. the password, you have to ask the publisher of this car.

Ich habe: Nitro, Crash Time, Highway Nights, Das Syndikat, Undercover und World Racing 2 =)

01.08.2013, 18:48 - thjo - Anfänger - 32 Beiträge
When i the bluelight on my car will set on is he very big and i have only the up site from the car
02.08.2013, 00:41 - 11 Cobra 11 - Profi - 343 Beiträge
You have the car in blender. Good.

Now you can read the tutorial from
Thats the discription what do you have to do.

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02.08.2013, 12:36 - CobraGamer - Experte - 956 Beiträge
You can change the size with pressing "S". After that you have to move the blue light by clicking on the arrows.