
29.03.2016, 10:39
Hi and Hello, there is my problem:
I know how to edit c11 cars in blender.
I did it for a Ben Tuned by henri from (please don't ban me becouse of that i have addon from games.reveur or becouse of that i said games.reveur XD). I replaced the .MOX and .MTL files for Ben_Sport in Crash Time 3. I was thinking:"Omg this Ben_Tuned has very ugly spoiler... Hmm Maybe I will edit it?..." Yeah... And I edited. Everything is super good but there is one very important thing missing.... The car isn't having any textures! sad
It's all white with dark windows.... Now I'm writing this becouse one of you, members of eleven-games, can help me and know how to fix it. Please write to me.

I can't found any blender 2.49b tutorials for cobra 11 .... I just started having fun with blender and I think i have learned some shit about it smile
Cheers smile (sorry for too much emoticons Bigggrin)
29.03.2016, 11:38
Jannes ist der Beste!
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