@kevin: Was soll denn der Mist? Du hast wohl der sinnlosesten Einzeiler der EG Geschichte fabriziert... @atoka220: It's right,because there isn't any chance to fly in C11. It's a racing game.The plane you've download is a car,with a plane as body,which is set high above the street If You wanna fly,try a flight simulator
I'm always flying in several flight simulators In BW the helicopter package can fly (i don't have the game so i don't know how)...
The Helicopters can't fly - Imagine the helicopters as a Car which is lifted up in a 3D program. (and has no wheels )
But if you want, it is possible to get a plane in the air. But you would not be able to change the flight altitude during the game or to land on an airport It will be like driving in the sky