Guten tag. Ich nicht sprache Deutsch. I will talk on English language, because i am from Poland. How to add Police Lights to Crash Time 3? I must use MTKit 2 or something? I know how to install mods, i just want to know how to add the lights. Greetings from Poland. Exodus.
Thanks you! Hi. I've got another problem. Sorry for double post, but i don't know how to edit my last message. How to change car file with ".MOX" to ".3DS"? I got Autodesk 3ds Max 2010, and i don't know how to open Semir's car in this problem. Please, help. Greetings from Poland :>
I've got a plugin for 3dsMax 2012 for LWO-Importing in Scene. I'm not sure wheter it'll works on the 2010 Version. PS: Double-Post deleted Edit Your post with the Editbutton